SOL16 Day 9: The Green Rock Story

This slice grew out of my students’ request for the Green Rock Story. I keep forgetting to tell them, and they keep reminding me.

For most of his rock life, he sat unnoticed. Silent. Typical rock behavior.

Last week, he was put into a box for student writers. Perhaps, the Green Rock would inspire a story.

Before Green Rock was, he was noticed by a boy.

The boy could have thrown the rock. That would have been typical boy behavior. But for some reason, the rock was held and taken in the house. Perhaps because it felt good in his hand. It was smooth and fit just so.

The boy placed the rock on his shelf, where it sat unadorned until one Christmas.

Every Christmas adults looked on as kids opened packages.  Adults cleaned. Kids played. This was typical Christmas behavior. It bothered the boy. Perhaps because he felt it was unfair.

Looking in his room, he noticed the rock. Held it in his hand. It was smooth and fit just so. Painting it all over, took patience.

By dinner, it was dry.

The boy put the Green Rock in a box and gave it to his mom.

Now Green Rock sits on a desk between the pens and the post-its and brings back stories of the boy.

Thank you, Two Writing Teachers Blog for the March Slice of Life Challenge. A place to tell stories, experiment with structure and play with words. A place to share across the miles. Read more slices here.






18 thoughts on “SOL16 Day 9: The Green Rock Story

  1. I love this story. We made pet rocks in class last year and wrote stories of their adventures. Green Rock’s simple journey is inspiring in its simplicity.

  2. I love the Green Rock story and the perspective of your piece. You crafted a small moment into a legend. Ah, the power of writing! Well done!

  3. “For most of his rock life, he sat unnoticed. Silent. Typical rock behavior.” There is so much to love about this story. I want to share it with my kids today. Once we give something a story, it can’t be typical anymore. Great post.

  4. Such a great story, simple and sweet. I want to share this, too, especially since we have the treasure box. They keep toying with ideas. Thanks.

  5. What a perfect story to share. It shows writing from an object’s point of view so clearly and simply. Between Margaret’s treasure box idea and this mentor text of yours, I can’t wait to see what my student writers will write! Thanks for sharing.

  6. The story behind the rock speaks of noticing and deep love. I love your phrasing and repetition. This rock lives in a place of honor, forever. You story is smooth and fits just so perfectly. 🙂

  7. Love this green rock story. I love rocks too. Maybe it’s time to write a story about one of my rocks. And now I’m off to find Margaret’s treasure box post since I’ve heard it mentioned more than once.

  8. Your storytelling really brings the boy and the rock to life. I love that powerful stories can grow from such simple things. Thanks for the reminder!

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