my FFG

I have a problem with favorites. I genuinely can’t decide on favorite ice cream, movie, song, book, pen. There are too many considerations and categories. I have found one exception to this. I have a favorite first grader. She is full of everything you want in a first grader.

My favorite first grader, or FFG. is turning seven in a few weeks so I pulled together a collection of gifts. A box of socks that benefit sea animals, a bar of soap with a penguin on skis, and a journal.with a unicorn on the cover that has pages made of elephant poop. This tells you something about my FFG.

We share taste in clothing.
We both have light pink knit sweaters that we plan to wear on twin’s day. She owns several tutus. I have one. I prefer sandals because I dislike shoes. My FFG would rather go barefoot.

We both hate to brush our hair. So we don’t.

We both like pink and purple. A lot.

We both love books. A lot.

What is not to love about my FFG.

Yesterday, I gave her the bag of gifts. Today I got this

Perfection. Her favorite gift, or gif, was the poop book. Another reason that she is my FFG.

The joy this kind of writing gives me almost makes me want to teach first grade.

I think I’ll wait till my FFG gets to fourth.

Day 10 Slice of Life Challenge 2021.
Read more slices here.

10 thoughts on “my FFG

  1. I had five FFG. They are now favorite 37, 36, 35, 30 and 24 years olds. Oh, and they’ve already given me my favorite 14,13 and 7 years olds. This seems to work very well for you… and for me…

  2. I love the response from you FFG. The curious nature of 6-8 year olds make them so much fun! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love this. While I always tell my children that 10 year olds are my favorite (and they are), I so enjoy watching the first graders on the playground. They are always pretending. Once I walked by as the huddle was being released from jail. They were all screaming toward me. I screamed, too.

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