SOLC22: day 28, a thank you note

I have been sloughing through the last couple of days. I could blame poor sleep, or bad weather. But the rain is just for today, and poor sleep isn’t anything new. I have no excuse for being mopey and irritable. Just am. Maybe I should allow this state, but it is exhausting and leads to no good.

Somehow, someone, somewhere anticipated my state. And answered it with a book.

I have thought of buying this, but hadn’t. It came from Book Depository with no note, just a book mark.

The collection of essays are addictive. Meditations on the moment that reflect on present beauty and past memories can’t help but lighten my mood and inspire reaching for a notebook.

Whomever sent me this lovely gift knew what I needed. Something to delight me as a reader, inspire me to write and discover what is in plain sight. Thank you.

In the garden, rain has stopped. Shadows form under the outside chairs as water drips down. Leaves catch light and the cloud cover opens in patches.

5 thoughts on “SOLC22: day 28, a thank you note

  1. Another little gift?! I don’t have it but have heard a podcast about it. I love your poetic, lyrical conclusion to this post.

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